Faith Bible Church

Welcome to Faith Bible Church! 

an Evangelical Free Church

learning to follow Christ together!

We're located on the west edge of Lyons, Kansas, off Hwy 56
@ 102 Coronado Street
(turn south at the big red "Rice County Safety Complex" sign)
For Google Maps directions, click HERE!

Service Times

9:30 a.m. Sunday School for youth and adults
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship in the sanctuary
For the livestream, click here for the link.

Contact Information
(620) 257-2466 (Church Office)
(785) 472-8633 (Pastor Phil Green's cell)

Thought for the Week  

In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins (1 John 4:10). 

That is to say, Jesus, by His death on the cross, satisfied the righteous requirements of God’s Law. Jesus suffered God’s penalty against your sin and rose again, so you could have an eternal relationship with a holy God. 

So now, instead of facing His wrath, you find yourself “under His wings.” The psalmist cries out to God, “Let me dwell in your tent forever! Let me take refuge under the shelter of your wings!” (Psalm 61:4). Those wings are the wings of the cherubim, which overshadowed the mercy seat in the tabernacle (Exodus 25:20). It is there, instead of retribution, you find refuge. 

Please, if you haven’t done it already, come to the mercy seat. Come to Christ, who covered your sin with His blood. And there, find a refuge for your own soul; find forgiveness for all your sins. 

In Wendell Berry's short story “Thicker Than Liquor,” a young man named Wheeler tries to come to terms with his uncle's alcoholism. As a child Wheeler loved his Uncle Peach, but as Wheeler became an adolescent, he began to see that Uncle Peach was drunk more often than not. At one point, Wheeler turns to his mother (Uncle Peach's sister) and protests, “To hell with him! Why don't you let him get on by himself the best way he can? What's he done for you?” 

His mom answers, “Because blood is thicker than water … [and] thicker than liquor too…” 

Wheeler goes off to the university, then to law school, and returns home with a new wife to begin his life as an attorney. One day a hotel clerk calls Wheeler, asking if someone can come and get Uncle Peach, who has gotten drunk, horribly messing up his hotel room. Instinctively, Wheeler says he will come and help his uncle. 

He finds Uncle Peach disheveled, and the room torn apart. Cleaning him up, he gives him coffee and brings him home. But before the train ride is over, Uncle Peach vomits again. Wheeler does his best to clean them both up and bring them back to Uncle Peach's home, enduring more vomit along the way. Berry writes: 

Finally, after this had happened perhaps a dozen times, Wheeler, who had remained angry, said, “I hope you puke your damned guts out.” 

And Uncle Peach, who lay, quaking and white, against the seatback, said, “Oh, Lord, honey, you can't mean that.” 

Suddenly Wheeler saw Uncle Peach as a poor, hurt, weak mortal. Then Wheeler put his arm around Uncle Peach and patted him as if he were a child. “No,” he said. “I don't mean it.” 

When they arrive home, Wheeler decides to stay with Uncle Peach, rather than go home to his new bride. So, after putting the older man to bed, Wheeler climbs in too. As the hours pass, he feels the terrors of Uncle Peach's mostly sleepless night, but eventually, “Wheeler went to sleep, his hand remaining on Uncle Peach's shoulder where it had come to rest” (Steven Garber, Visions of Vocation). \

Wheeler gives us a glimpse of Christ, whose blood is “thicker than liquor” or any other sin that separates us from God. Jesus entered into our putrid, filthy world to deliver us from it. All you have to do is acknowledge your own hurt and weakness to experience His hand resting on your shoulder through the dark night into His glorious morning. 


Pastor Phil Green 

Join us this Sunday (July 21)

Youth and Adult Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Robert John leads the class in a discussion of Fake News about Satan’s lies. His classes encourage warm fellowship in the Word of God. Join us! It’s a great way to start your Sunday morning. 

Prayer Meeting, 10:15, in the room behind the sanctuary. Join us as we pray for the worship service to follow and for revival. 

Worship at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary (nursery provided for children ages 0-3). Pastor Phil continues his series in the book of Exodus with a message expressing God's desire to meet with you from Exodus 25:1-22. Come, discover how you and God can  get together. We hope you can join us. If not, connect with us online @

Join us this week (July 22-27)

  • Monday: Ladies Bible Study, 7 p.m., in the lobby of Faith Bible Church
  • Tuesday: Men of Faith, 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m., in the lobby of Faith Bible Church 
  • Wednesday: Worship Team practice, 4:30 p.m., in the sanctuary
  • Thursday: Celebrate Recovery Women's Step Study, 6 p.m., @ King's Cross Church
  • Friday: Celebrate Recovery Men's Step Study, 6 p.m., @ King's Cross Church
  • Every Day: Plan to minister to one another and to a world in desperate need of Jesus. Ask God for opportunities to serve and do what He leads you to do. 


    Ladies Bible Study, 7 p.m., every Monday evening. Jaclyn Rummel leads a time of fellowship and study relevant to the issues women face today. She invites ladies of all ages to come and enjoy an evening of fellowship and time in God's Word. 

    Men of Faith meets at 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. every Tuesday morning in the lobby at Faith Bible Church. "As iron sharpens iron," men are invited to sharpen one another in the middle of each week before work during a time of mutual encouragement, Bible study, and prayer (coffee provided). 

    Celebrate Recovery Step Study Groups, 6 p.m. every Thursday for women and 6 p.m. every Friday, for men at King's Cross Fellowship Hall (216 S. Pioneer). Are you struggling with habits, hurts, or hangups? Join our Celebrate Recovery Step Study groups and find support in a Christ-centered recovery program. Walk side by side with others as you journey through the 12 steps of recovery together. 

    Semi-annual Congregational Business Meeting, immediately following worship on Sunday, July 28. All members are encouraged to attend and non-members are welcome. 

    Special Guest Speaker, Vance Christie, former pastor and published author, from Aurora, Nebraska, will do a Christian biography presentation about Corrie Ten Boom during our 10:30 a.m. Sunday worship service, August 4. Don't miss this dynamic presentation on overcoming trials and tragedy with faith and forgiveness. 

    Special Guest Speaker, Will Best, during our Sunday morning worship service, August 11. Will Best, retired pastor, Sterling College professor, and friend will bring a message that is sure to challenge your heart and comfort your soul. Don’t miss hearing from this godly, wise man, who loves the Lord and people with all of his heart. 

    Sterling College Community Fair, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Saturday, August 17. Help welcome freshmen students with fresh baked cookies and a gift bag from Faith Bible Church. 

    Men’s EncounterAugust 23-25. Join with several men in our community for a time to get away and encounter God like never before. It’s a time to discover solutions to the unique challenges facing men. Register online @

    Church Workday, 9 a.m. to noon, Saturday, August 24. Join us as we get our facility cleaned up and ready for our fall ministries. Many hands make light work; and besides, it’s a lot of fun working together. We can also get together for breakfast at 8 a.m. at Scrambled Sam’s (or Dairy Queen if Scrambled Sam’s is closed) for even more fun and fellowship. 

    Free Christian Videos: Faith Bible Church is providing every member and regular attender an on-line video library with over 25,000 video sessions from a host of well-respected pastors, teachers, and producers on almost every subject that impacts your daily life. They include videos for children, youth and adults on a variety of topics including books of the Bible, marriage, parenting, finance, work, leadership, men's and women's issues, the Christian life, recovery, interacting with the culture, short films, stories for children and a host of other topics. If you or someone you know is struggling in their marriage, financially strapped and drowning in debt, have a son or daughter who is making some very poor choices, or just need to grow in your personal relationship with Jesus, you will find what you need in this video library free of charge. Just click HERE or text LYONSFBC to 49775 to create your account and access any of these 25,000+ video sessions for free. 

    Let's Read the Bible Together

    If you would like to join us in the exciting journey of exploring the treasures of God's Word, I invite you to read through the entire Bible with us this year. This reading plan takes you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in a year. Just click HERE to begin a journey which will absolutely change your life.

    To SEE the latest worship service click HERE!
    To READ Pastor Phil's latest message click HERE!