Faith Bible Church

Welcome to Faith Bible Church! 

an Evangelical Free Church

learning to follow Christ together!

We're located on the west edge of Lyons, Kansas, off Hwy 56
@ 102 Coronado Street
(turn south at the big red "Rice County Safety Complex" sign)
For Google Maps directions, click HERE!

Service Times

9:30 a.m. Sunday School for youth and adults
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship in the sanctuary
For the livestream, click here for the link.

Contact Information
(620) 257-2466 (Church Office)
(785) 472-8633 (Pastor Phil Green's cell)

Thought for the Week  

Working together with him, then, we appeal to you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For he says, “In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.” Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation (2 Corinthains 6:1 -2, ESV). 

Working together with Christ, Paul urges his readers to receive God’s grace today! For the only way they could receive God’s grace in vain is if they waited too long, if they postponed their decision to trust Christ beyond their ability to do so. 

David Brainerd, the great missionary to the Native Americans, was witnessing to a chief, who was very close to trusting Christ with his life. But the chief held back. There was some pause or hesitation. Brainerd got up, took a stick, drew a circle in the soft earth about the chief, and said, “Decide before you cross that line.” 

Why this passion and urgency? Because Brainerd recognized that at that moment, that chief was close to God. If he missed that moment, he might never be so close again (Bruce Thielemann, “Tide Riding,” Preaching Today, Tape No. 30). 

If you’re close to giving your life to Christ, do it now! Do it before you no longer want to or have the opportunity to do so. 

On July 25, 2000, Air France Concorde flight 4590 crashed on takeoff in Paris. One hundred passengers, nine crew, and four people on the ground were killed when the Concorde banked, went into a stall, plunged to the ground, and exploded on impact in a fireball. 

The cause of the crash was a 16-inch strip of metal on the runway that burst the aircraft's tire, with debris from the blowout rupturing a fuel tank in the aircraft's wing. It was too late for the pilot to halt the takeoff. So, with the plane on fire, he planned to make an emergency landing at Le Bourget airport a minute's flying time away. 

As investigators sought to discover the reason for the accident, they listened to the tapes of the pilot's conversations with the control tower. His last words as he fought to save his stricken craft were, “Too late” (Owen Bourgaize, Guernsey, United Kingdom). 

Please, don’t let those be your last words as one seeking salvation. Trust Christ with your life today before it is eternally too late. 


Pastor Phil Green 

Join us this Sunday (March 9)

Youth and Adult Sunday School, 9:30 a.m. Robert John discusses the foundations of our faith. His classes encourage warm fellowship in the Word of God. Join us! It’s a great way to start your Sunday morning. 

Prayer Meeting, 10:15, in the room behind the sanctuary. Join us as we pray for the worship service and revival. 

Worship at 10:30 a.m. in the sanctuary (nursery provided for children ages 0-3). Pastor Phil continues his series in the book of 2 Corinthians with a message called Establishing Credibility from 2 Corinthians 6:1-13. Come and discover how to establish your credibility in a world full of skeptics. If you can't come, connect with us online @  

Children's church at 10:50 a.m. in the classroom next to the kitchen. Children (age 3 to grade 5) join their parents for worship in the sanctuary and then are dismissed to learn the Bible on their own level under the guidance of caring adults. 

Join us this week (March 10-15) 

  • Monday: Ladies Bible Study, 7 p.m., in the lobby of Faith Bible Church
  • Tuesday: Men of Faith, 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. in the lobby of Faith Bible Church 
  • Wednesday: Worship Team Practice, 4:30 p.m., in the sanctuary
  • Wednesday: Kids Bible Club, 6:45 to 8 p.m., at Faith Bible Church
  • Friday: Celebrate Recovery, 6 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall at Kings Cross Church
  • Every Day: Plan to minister to one another and to a world in desperate need of Jesus. Ask God for opportunities to serve and do what He leads you to do. 


    Ladies Bible Study, 7 p.m., every Monday evening. Jaclyn Rummel leads a time of fellowship and study relevant to the issues women face today. She invites ladies of all ages to come and enjoy an evening of fellowship and time in God's Word. 

    Men of Faith meets at 6:45 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. every Tuesday morning in the lobby at Faith Bible Church. "As iron sharpens iron," men are invited to sharpen one another in the middle of each week before work during a time of mutual encouragement, Bible study, and prayer (coffee provided). 

    Kid's Bible Club, 6:45 to 8:00 p.m. every Wednesday @ Faith Bible Church. We are partnering with Aliento de Vida to provide this ministry to children (k-5th grade), where kids have fun learning the Bible. 

    Celebrate Recovery, 6 p.m., every Friday at Kings Cross Church (former Presbyterian Church on 221 South Pioneer Street, Lyons, KS), beginning with a light supper in the Fellowship Hall. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find freedom from your hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Celebrate Recovery is for EVERYONE! No one should have to face their pain alone. We are a grace-filled community of strugglers who courageously enter this safe and beautiful space to get honest about our pain and the negative ways we may see ourselves, God, and others. In this process, we come to accept that some of the habits we have developed to escape our pain may have hurt us and those close to us. It is a biblically based approach to help us achieve long lasting recovery by healing our hurts, guiding us toward new healthy truths, and developing life-giving habits. 

    Free Christian Videos: Faith Bible Church is providing every member and regular attender an on-line video library with over 25,000 video sessions from a host of well-respected pastors, teachers, and producers on almost every subject that impacts your daily life. They include videos for children, youth and adults on a variety of topics including books of the Bible, marriage, parenting, finance, work, leadership, men's and women's issues, the Christian life, recovery, interacting with the culture, short films, stories for children and a host of other topics. If you or someone you know is struggling in their marriage, financially strapped and drowning in debt, have a son or daughter who is making some very poor choices, or just need to grow in your personal relationship with Jesus, you will find what you need in this video library free of charge. Just click HERE or text LYONSFBC to 49775 to create your account and access any of these 25,000+ video sessions for free. 

    Let's Read the Bible Together

    If you would like to join us in the exciting journey of exploring the treasures of God's Word, I invite you to read through the entire Bible with us this year. This reading plan takes you through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice in a year. Just click HERE to begin a journey which will absolutely change your life.

    To SEE the latest worship service click HERE!
    To READ Pastor Phil's latest message click HERE!